-. Thank you, thank you all. And now to continue Dr Maifer will carry on with his investigation.
Thank you Dr Krainer. Fellow colleges, I'm very happy to be part of this study of FIUBA's students. I would like to show you my investigation which i titled
"The importance of helping FIUBA members"
When I first started with Fiubers - a term which I created myself, oh yes i'm very cunning - i soon noticed how most students tend to help each other. In one way or another they realize that they are in this whole thing together and It's better to have some kind of brotherhood.
But there's also people who dont help others, usually called garcas, that will sooner or later be outcasted, left alone and people will turn their faces on them when passing by on FIUBA's hallways.
Now, several previous investigations show us how dreadful a garca's destiny can be. Usually they are cornudos or have a life full of falsedad, which may lead them to alcoholism and self-inflicted sodomy. But today, I would like to show you the mother of all garca's stories.
Meet Gustav Graves
Successful, rich and a total asshole.
As we all know, MI6 has given us his background.
Pero lo que se perdió en la traducción, es que aprendió ingenieria en la Facultad de Ingenieria de la UBA, y que luego de volverse rico encontrando una mina de diamantes, en vez de donar una parte, (si si al menos una parte) a sus compañeros, aquellos que lo soportaron cuando no tenia un mango y no usaba desodorante en verano; o a la facultad, aquella que le dio la posibilidad de volverse ingeniero, que le permitió imprimir estupidas tarjetas con la palabra "ING." antes de "Gustav Graves" y darlas con cara de banana... que hizo??? Hizo una donación unicamente a Korea del Norte para comprar mas armas. No no, que haces negro? que haces?
OK, next slide please
This is Gustav Graves being thrown out of a plane.
Next Slide Please
This is Gustav Graves being conveniently sucked into a 767's left engine.
So, there you go. Another fact to show you "The importance of helping FIUBA students". Thank you all for your attention. Goodnight
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