miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007

Upcoming atractions

El dia que cabecee a Guinzburg

El proximo jueves se estrena en todos los cines "El dia que cabecee a Guinzburg" (Titulo original de la pelicula: "The day I Zinedine Zidane Guinzburg" ) una pelicula basada en un hecho real que retrata la transformacion psicologica de un estudiande de la facultad de ingeniera a lo largo de su segundo año de carrera. Si bien se conoce el final de la pelicula, la misma muestra un enfoque interesante y mantiene al espectador en el borde de su butaca con increibles imagenes y experiencias relatadas en primera persona. A continuación el comienzo de la pelicula como sneak preview

My name is (..). This is my neighborhood. This is my street. This... is my life. I'm twenty-two years old and in less than a week, I'll be cabeceando a Guinzburg. Of course, I don't know that yet.

My life sucks. That's me, sitting in the front row of the class. Behind me a couple of guys discuss about microsoft software

Guy1: -. Ok, there was this one time, that I tried to compile a program and windows gave me a blue screen of death... hahahaha... come on Bill Gates do your software properly, linux is so much better

Guy2:-.OH I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN!!! On my windows box, oh oh, excuse me, on my former windows box... now it's an ubuntu box (they high five each other) this one time i tried to ctr+alt+del it and it was so busy that the whole thing rebooted

Guy1:-. oh my god!!!

Guy2:-. yeah!

Man. I get exhausted just watching them. They look like a bunch of queers, like the ones on that tv show "Queer eye for the straight guy" where they sit around and discuss about fabric colors and go
"oooh i so loooooove this color" "oh yes I totally agree". Quit the gimoteo, we all know that microsoft has flaws, do you have to make such a big deal about it? Are you feeling SO GOD DAMN SMALL THAT YOU NEED TO PROVE ALL THE TIME HOW "LEET" YOU ARE???

Recomendada (8 puntos de 10).

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