Algunas personas no entienden el porque de ir a fucking campo, estar 4 horas parado para ver tocar a unos monchos y luego salir todo mojado en sudor que en su mayoria no es tuyo.
I cant explain it myself, but goddamn it, it's good. Except that one time, en el Quilmes Rock de 2004 un chabon enorme de algo asi como 110 kilos estaba justo adelante mio y se saco la remera. There should be a law against people with natural pullovers taking their shirts off when they have other people within the radius of 1 meter, ok?
Did that prevent me from enjoying the show? No.
Did I need psychological help after? Yes. But hey shit happens.
Some people do it for the music, some for the experience, some because one day when his son goes "Papá sos un boludo, no entendes nada de la musica ni de la vida" they will ring his neck, then calm down and say "Hey, you know what, I was at the last show of the Rolling Stones. Me, your father". Then they will have a beer and curse tinelli for getting that treatment that allows him to stay on tv for another 40 years.
No matter what your reasons are, I'll drink to that.
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