Le tiro la pregunta y espero algo del estilo de abogacia, psicologia, no se, decoradora de interiores, pero no
"Sigo Letras".
Y claro, yo intento remarla, te juro que intento remarla. Y le tiro "ah que bien", pero ya es tarde. En mi frente se ha desplegado una marquesina electronica que dice "Why oh why, in jesus name would anyone do that?". Disculpa, es que mi mente programadora fiubense obsesionada por buscar un porque y una función a todo does not compute cual es el proposito de esa carrera. Lo siento.
Apartir de ahi todo se fue al carajo.
sábado, 31 de marzo de 2007
jueves, 29 de marzo de 2007
Mercadolibre y el ScamBaiting - Final
Meet Kate. (Aunque el nombre de la imagen era Debra).
En fin, no hay mucho por decir, sino mostrar
Estos son los mails que me envió
Mail 1
Mail 2
Aca la conversación final
(Aunque envie el mail a, el fucker sigue en linea.==>
See ya!
martes, 27 de marzo de 2007
Mercadolibre y el ScamBaiting - Part 1
Esta ultima semana las ofertas de notebook fueron bombardeadas por preguntas al vendedor como estas:
Hello Seller Am Mrs Wayne Roll by name i saw your posted item on acution site called Mercadolibre i have the interest in buying the item for my who is schooling in Africa, i will be adding additional of $100 to your money.i will like to inform you that i will be paying you through Bank Transfer cos is very fast and secured from fraud, i will be responsible for the shipping cost to Africa so for more conclusion here is my personal mail address i will be waiting to hear from you Thanks
Basicamente esta persona quiere robarle la notebook engañandolo. Lo que en ingles se denomina scamm y el que lo hace es un scammer. Uno puede pensar hay que ser pelotudo para caer en esto, pero la realidad es que el año pasado este tipo de scammer (de origen nigeriano) robaron miles de millones a USA.
La onda del scambaiting es simular que estas interesado como un pobre infeliz y joder al scammer hasta que se cansa o engañarlo para que te mande guita o se tatue tu nombre (
Ahora nos vamos a hacer pasar por ese pobre vendedor de ML y contactar por msn al fucker este. Esta es la conversacion uncutted & uncensored y version extendida con escenas nunca vista donde se muestra que la joda es que vos le mandes la laptop porque él te envió la guita desde un banco inexistente (yeah right and monkeys may fly out of my butt).
I'm a good woman es el scammer, que simula ser mujer pero no lo es.
(pegarlo aca quedaba horrible). Mañana veremos que pasa, pero vamos por el final.
Hello Seller Am Mrs Wayne Roll by name i saw your posted item on acution site called Mercadolibre i have the interest in buying the item for my who is schooling in Africa, i will be adding additional of $100 to your money.i will like to inform you that i will be paying you through Bank Transfer cos is very fast and secured from fraud, i will be responsible for the shipping cost to Africa so for more conclusion here is my personal mail address i will be waiting to hear from you Thanks
Basicamente esta persona quiere robarle la notebook engañandolo. Lo que en ingles se denomina scamm y el que lo hace es un scammer. Uno puede pensar hay que ser pelotudo para caer en esto, pero la realidad es que el año pasado este tipo de scammer (de origen nigeriano) robaron miles de millones a USA.
La onda del scambaiting es simular que estas interesado como un pobre infeliz y joder al scammer hasta que se cansa o engañarlo para que te mande guita o se tatue tu nombre (
Ahora nos vamos a hacer pasar por ese pobre vendedor de ML y contactar por msn al fucker este. Esta es la conversacion uncutted & uncensored y version extendida con escenas nunca vista donde se muestra que la joda es que vos le mandes la laptop porque él te envió la guita desde un banco inexistente (yeah right and monkeys may fly out of my butt).
I'm a good woman es el scammer, que simula ser mujer pero no lo es.
(pegarlo aca quedaba horrible). Mañana veremos que pasa, pero vamos por el final.
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007
Uno mas para la coleccion
Seahhh, uno mas. A continuación la version Fiuba de los titulos de "Elige tu propia locura"
En las mejores librerias. Muy pronto.
- Has ido a una reunion de solos y solas y te encuentras con la mina de la práctica de administración de proyectos
- Eres Saubidet y no te apruebas ni a vos mismo
- Tomaste LSD y tienes que rendir Modelos II
- El Misterio de porqué el Ingeniero se caso con Rivadulla
- 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino en el canal naval
- Quedaste atrapado en un ascensor de FIUBA con la mina de tu vida y tu vieja te dio de comer porotos
- Misión: Sacar mas de 42 en el exámen de nivel de ingles
- Sabes el secreto del petiso que sale con la mejor mina de la facultad
- Zelazco te invitó a cenar a la casa y discutir tu TP
- Has escrito una carta al decano y firmaste "puto el que lee"
- Odisea en la reunión del consejo directivo
- Sos un asesino a sueldo y en alumnos perdieron tu libreta
En las mejores librerias. Muy pronto.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2007
Wink from Bob Marley
Bob Marley: Yeah man, i sympathize with your cause, so here's one for ya broda, to all you jah people
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
Said - said - said: I remember when we used to sit
In the front of FIUBA,
Oba - obaserving the ladris
As they would mingle with the good people we meet.
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way. (yeah man acordate los que recursaron y se fueron a privadas)
In this great future, you can't forget your past;
So dry your tears, I say.
No, woman, no cry;
-.Thanks Bob, thanks. Is there anything I can do for you?
Bob Marley -. Yeah man, have a lighter?
-. Wow, is that a doble mecha?
Bob Marley -. Oh yeah, pure from jamaica broda
-. Sorry I dont smoke
Bob Marley -. You dont smoke, man? how do you cope with all FIUBA preassure?
-. I push it deep inside me and I never talk about it. I'll be hosting a tumor in a year or two if this keeps going, but, hey what the hell
Bob Marley -. Bad bad, man. That's bad man. Jah dont want ya ta suffer, he wants ya ta be happy. Life is beautiful. Jah come ta break downpression, Rule equality, Wipe away transgression. Set the captives free. Captives like you.
-. I'm not captive
Bob Marley -. Then why are you doing this?
-. Well I chose to. No-one said it would be easy. The thing is, that sometimes, you have to bend your thoughts a little bit, you know. No independent thinking, just put down in your parcial what you have learned in class and in all those PPTs.
Bob Marley -. Don't let them fool you, or even try to school you, oh! no You've a mind of our own. So send them to hell if what you're thinking is not right.
-. It's not that easy. Listen i have to go. We'll talk about this some other time.
Bob Marley -. Sure man, ooooooh this is really gooood, seee yaaaaa.
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
Said - said - said: I remember when we used to sit
In the front of FIUBA,
Oba - obaserving the ladris
As they would mingle with the good people we meet.
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way. (yeah man acordate los que recursaron y se fueron a privadas)
In this great future, you can't forget your past;
So dry your tears, I say.
No, woman, no cry;
-.Thanks Bob, thanks. Is there anything I can do for you?
Bob Marley -. Yeah man, have a lighter?
-. Wow, is that a doble mecha?
Bob Marley -. Oh yeah, pure from jamaica broda
-. Sorry I dont smoke
Bob Marley -. You dont smoke, man? how do you cope with all FIUBA preassure?
-. I push it deep inside me and I never talk about it. I'll be hosting a tumor in a year or two if this keeps going, but, hey what the hell
Bob Marley -. Bad bad, man. That's bad man. Jah dont want ya ta suffer, he wants ya ta be happy. Life is beautiful. Jah come ta break downpression, Rule equality, Wipe away transgression. Set the captives free. Captives like you.
-. I'm not captive
Bob Marley -. Then why are you doing this?
-. Well I chose to. No-one said it would be easy. The thing is, that sometimes, you have to bend your thoughts a little bit, you know. No independent thinking, just put down in your parcial what you have learned in class and in all those PPTs.
Bob Marley -. Don't let them fool you, or even try to school you, oh! no You've a mind of our own. So send them to hell if what you're thinking is not right.
-. It's not that easy. Listen i have to go. We'll talk about this some other time.
Bob Marley -. Sure man, ooooooh this is really gooood, seee yaaaaa.
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007
Upcoming atractions
El dia que cabecee a Guinzburg
El proximo jueves se estrena en todos los cines "El dia que cabecee a Guinzburg" (Titulo original de la pelicula: "The day I Zinedine Zidane Guinzburg" ) una pelicula basada en un hecho real que retrata la transformacion psicologica de un estudiande de la facultad de ingeniera a lo largo de su segundo año de carrera. Si bien se conoce el final de la pelicula, la misma muestra un enfoque interesante y mantiene al espectador en el borde de su butaca con increibles imagenes y experiencias relatadas en primera persona. A continuación el comienzo de la pelicula como sneak preview
My name is (..). This is my neighborhood. This is my street. This... is my life. I'm twenty-two years old and in less than a week, I'll be cabeceando a Guinzburg. Of course, I don't know that yet.
My life sucks. That's me, sitting in the front row of the class. Behind me a couple of guys discuss about microsoft software
Guy1: -. Ok, there was this one time, that I tried to compile a program and windows gave me a blue screen of death... hahahaha... come on Bill Gates do your software properly, linux is so much better
Guy2:-.OH I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN!!! On my windows box, oh oh, excuse me, on my former windows box... now it's an ubuntu box (they high five each other) this one time i tried to ctr+alt+del it and it was so busy that the whole thing rebooted
Guy1:-. oh my god!!!
Guy2:-. yeah!
Man. I get exhausted just watching them. They look like a bunch of queers, like the ones on that tv show "Queer eye for the straight guy" where they sit around and discuss about fabric colors and go "oooh i so loooooove this color" "oh yes I totally agree". Quit the gimoteo, we all know that microsoft has flaws, do you have to make such a big deal about it? Are you feeling SO GOD DAMN SMALL THAT YOU NEED TO PROVE ALL THE TIME HOW "LEET" YOU ARE???
Recomendada (8 puntos de 10).
El proximo jueves se estrena en todos los cines "El dia que cabecee a Guinzburg" (Titulo original de la pelicula: "The day I Zinedine Zidane Guinzburg" ) una pelicula basada en un hecho real que retrata la transformacion psicologica de un estudiande de la facultad de ingeniera a lo largo de su segundo año de carrera. Si bien se conoce el final de la pelicula, la misma muestra un enfoque interesante y mantiene al espectador en el borde de su butaca con increibles imagenes y experiencias relatadas en primera persona. A continuación el comienzo de la pelicula como sneak preview
My name is (..). This is my neighborhood. This is my street. This... is my life. I'm twenty-two years old and in less than a week, I'll be cabeceando a Guinzburg. Of course, I don't know that yet.
My life sucks. That's me, sitting in the front row of the class. Behind me a couple of guys discuss about microsoft software
Guy1: -. Ok, there was this one time, that I tried to compile a program and windows gave me a blue screen of death... hahahaha... come on Bill Gates do your software properly, linux is so much better
Guy2:-.OH I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN!!! On my windows box, oh oh, excuse me, on my former windows box... now it's an ubuntu box (they high five each other) this one time i tried to ctr+alt+del it and it was so busy that the whole thing rebooted
Guy1:-. oh my god!!!
Guy2:-. yeah!
Man. I get exhausted just watching them. They look like a bunch of queers, like the ones on that tv show "Queer eye for the straight guy" where they sit around and discuss about fabric colors and go "oooh i so loooooove this color" "oh yes I totally agree". Quit the gimoteo, we all know that microsoft has flaws, do you have to make such a big deal about it? Are you feeling SO GOD DAMN SMALL THAT YOU NEED TO PROVE ALL THE TIME HOW "LEET" YOU ARE???
Recomendada (8 puntos de 10).
martes, 20 de marzo de 2007
A common FIUBA inner thought
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
-. Tenes que estudiar para administración de proyectos
-. Plan dental
Posta que ni ganas, pero bueh. Lo que está piola es lo que lee al final el tipo, no se, es sentido común, pero es buena filosofía. En fin, lots of new crazy ideas, while riding the bondi.
lunes, 19 de marzo de 2007
It was meant to happen
Somewhere on the other side of buenos aires another fiuba pasante cant stand it any longer
Fiuba Pasante: Soporte?
Usuario: Si hola mira soy yo otra vez, ya se que me explicaste como una hora que archivo tenia que copiar pero me olvide. Que archivo me dijiste que faltaba?
Fiuba Pasante: C:\System32\Tuvieja.dll
(he drops the phone and walks away)
Usuario: QUE? hola, hola??? mira no hay ningun archivo tuvieja.dll... ese me falta? Hola? Hola???.... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... para... ... ... ... tuvieja.dll... ... eh... ahhh... ya entendi... te crees que sos gracioso!??!?! Andate a la rep...
Remember, dont think you are, know you are.
Fiuba Pasante: Soporte?
Usuario: Si hola mira soy yo otra vez, ya se que me explicaste como una hora que archivo tenia que copiar pero me olvide. Que archivo me dijiste que faltaba?
Fiuba Pasante: C:\System32\Tuvieja.dll
(he drops the phone and walks away)
Usuario: QUE? hola, hola??? mira no hay ningun archivo tuvieja.dll... ese me falta? Hola? Hola???.... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... para... ... ... ... tuvieja.dll... ... eh... ahhh... ya entendi... te crees que sos gracioso!??!?! Andate a la rep...
Remember, dont think you are, know you are.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2007
Ariel y el Diablo
(Devil's Advocate adaptation)
Acto Final
Ariel se da cuenta que perdió a su novia por la ambición de terminar en termino la carrera y ganar mucho dinero. Faltandole una sola materia se enfrenta con el diablo (John) y le dice que va a largar la facultad. El Diablo se defiende usando el principio de free will, él solo pone el escenario nosotros elegimos que hacer.
Ariel: I lost my girlfriend, I lost the very thing I loved the most. She needed me, she was very ill. I just left her behind and kept studying. I'm leaving! (he walks to the door)
John: Hey, Ariel!... There's nothing out there for you! Don't be such a fucking chump! Stop deluding yourself! I told you to take care of your girlfriend! What did I say?
"The world would understand." Didn't I say that? What did you say?
"You know what scares me, John? I leave some materias, she gets better and then I hate her for it."
Ariel:I know what you did. You set me up.
John: Who told you to study so hard for Pensamiento Cientifico? Who made that choice?
Ariel: It's entrapment. You set me up.
John: And Inteligencia Artificial, knowing it was a robo, What did you do? you attend every class because you wanted to have a perfect 10.
Ariel: You brought me in. You put me there! You made me do that!
John: I don't do that, Ariel! That day on the subway, what did I say to you? WHAT WERE MY WORDS TO YOU!?!?!
"Maybe it was your time to recursar"
Ariel: Recursar? Yo no recurso, Yo apruebo, YO APRUEBO, Soy el mejor estudiante de FIUBA, ese es mi trabajo, eso es lo que yo hago!
John:I rest my case. Vanity... is definitely my favorite sin. Ariel, it's so basic. Self-love. The all-natural opiate.
You know... It's not that you didn't care for your girlfriend,'s just that you were a little more involved with someone else... Yourself.
Ariel: You're right. I did it all. I let her go. I left her behind and just kept going.
John: You cannot keep punishing yourself. It's awesome how far you've come.
Ariel: What do you want from me?
John: I want you to be yourself. You know, I'll tell you, boy...'s like a bag of fucking bricks. All you got to set it down.
To be continued (algun otro dia que no pueda dormir)
Acto Final
Ariel se da cuenta que perdió a su novia por la ambición de terminar en termino la carrera y ganar mucho dinero. Faltandole una sola materia se enfrenta con el diablo (John) y le dice que va a largar la facultad. El Diablo se defiende usando el principio de free will, él solo pone el escenario nosotros elegimos que hacer.
Ariel: I lost my girlfriend, I lost the very thing I loved the most. She needed me, she was very ill. I just left her behind and kept studying. I'm leaving! (he walks to the door)
John: Hey, Ariel!... There's nothing out there for you! Don't be such a fucking chump! Stop deluding yourself! I told you to take care of your girlfriend! What did I say?
"The world would understand." Didn't I say that? What did you say?
"You know what scares me, John? I leave some materias, she gets better and then I hate her for it."
Ariel:I know what you did. You set me up.
John: Who told you to study so hard for Pensamiento Cientifico? Who made that choice?
Ariel: It's entrapment. You set me up.
John: And Inteligencia Artificial, knowing it was a robo, What did you do? you attend every class because you wanted to have a perfect 10.
Ariel: You brought me in. You put me there! You made me do that!
John: I don't do that, Ariel! That day on the subway, what did I say to you? WHAT WERE MY WORDS TO YOU!?!?!
"Maybe it was your time to recursar"
Ariel: Recursar? Yo no recurso, Yo apruebo, YO APRUEBO, Soy el mejor estudiante de FIUBA, ese es mi trabajo, eso es lo que yo hago!
John:I rest my case. Vanity... is definitely my favorite sin. Ariel, it's so basic. Self-love. The all-natural opiate.
You know... It's not that you didn't care for your girlfriend,'s just that you were a little more involved with someone else... Yourself.
Ariel: You're right. I did it all. I let her go. I left her behind and just kept going.
John: You cannot keep punishing yourself. It's awesome how far you've come.
Ariel: What do you want from me?
John: I want you to be yourself. You know, I'll tell you, boy...'s like a bag of fucking bricks. All you got to set it down.
To be continued (algun otro dia que no pueda dormir)
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2007
Los simuladores llegan a la pantalla de FIUBA
Bueno te la hago corta, dos tipos de los años 70s viajaron al presente a entregar muchos apuntes porque en esa epoca imprimir no valia un carajo y enseñar GPSS.
Uno habla, el otro lo interrumpe con un EHHH que suena tipo chicharra de jeopardy
Profesor 1: IBM armaba manuales casi perfectos
Alex Trebek: Judges?
Alex Trebek: Lo siento, la respuesta tenia que ser en forma de pregunta, what do we have for him Johnny???
Johnny: Profesor 1 has won a full day pass to swim at FIUBA's navy channel.
Alex Trebek: Isnt that greeeeeat?
Profesor 1: Actually no.
Alex Trebek: OK shut up. Stick around will be right back
Si, su humor es un poco geekoso y a veces ocurren dialogos como "El profesor 1 en 1978 predijo que tendriamos computadoras personales, 1978 chicos. Es un groso" "ay basta, vos groso" "dale tonta" "ay bueno un poco las dos... LALA"
Nah bueh los tipos le ponen mucha onda y fomentan la enseñanza. Eso me parece buenisimo.
Uno habla, el otro lo interrumpe con un EHHH que suena tipo chicharra de jeopardy
Profesor 1: IBM armaba manuales casi perfectos
Alex Trebek: Judges?
Alex Trebek: Lo siento, la respuesta tenia que ser en forma de pregunta, what do we have for him Johnny???
Johnny: Profesor 1 has won a full day pass to swim at FIUBA's navy channel.
Alex Trebek: Isnt that greeeeeat?
Profesor 1: Actually no.
Alex Trebek: OK shut up. Stick around will be right back
Si, su humor es un poco geekoso y a veces ocurren dialogos como "El profesor 1 en 1978 predijo que tendriamos computadoras personales, 1978 chicos. Es un groso" "ay basta, vos groso" "dale tonta" "ay bueno un poco las dos... LALA"
Nah bueh los tipos le ponen mucha onda y fomentan la enseñanza. Eso me parece buenisimo.
martes, 13 de marzo de 2007
lunes, 12 de marzo de 2007
Introduccion a los sistemas inteligentes
No me hagas ir hasta la facultad para escuchar como te llamas y darme la dirección de la página web. Posta. ¬ ¬
domingo, 11 de marzo de 2007
Recital de Cerati
El sabado 10 de marzo a las 21 hs en el Monumento Güemes fue el recital Cerati, iniciativa del Lex Luthor. Llego a pampa y figuero alcorta y un flaco me entrega esto. Disculpame pero si aca dice que voy a tener un flash lo minimo que espero es que mis zapatillas cobren vida y me digan "tranquiiiilo maeeestro, solo queremos ver el recital", pero bueh nada de eso. (pop metafisico y existencia... WTF?) Anyway, el publico constaba de cientos de miles de personas, en su mayoria minas lookeadas a full, super bien asi con camaritas digitales y celulares diciendo "no sabes lo que te estas perdiendo boluuuuuuda!". El recital tuvo sus momentos buenos, que obvio fueron los momentos en que toco temas de Soda. Duro 2 horas casi. Terminó el show asi mas o menos, sin fuerza, con un "chau". Por ahi digo esto porque no soy muy fana de Cerati como solista.
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2007
Casting for new talents
In order to improve this blog its owner has started a casting, lets see how he's doing so far
owner: Next...
Crazy-linking-man: Hello
owner: ok, who are you?
Crazy-linking-man: I'm crazy-linking-man
owner: and what is your talent?
Crazy-linking-man: I have the ability to link all sort of facts... any facts... all facts
owner: mmm, I see... ok show me what you've got
Crazy-linking-man: Ok, did ya know that there's a direct link between Elvis Presley and the people that dwell on the left side of FIUBA?
owner: Los ocupas?
Crazy-linking-man: That's right
Owner: ...
Crazy-linking-man: ...
Owner: ...and of course this link is....
Crazy-linking-man: Everytime you pass in front of this people they go "Eh gato tené do' pesito' pa' la birra'? right? well fifty years ago it was Elvis Presley who sang for the first "Blue Suede Shoes" a song that starts:
Well it's one for the money, two for the show
Three to get ready now go cat go
get it? go CAT go... gato... cat... cat... gato... there's your link.
Owner: OK. ummm tell me, how many bolas of naftalina have you snorted to came with that conclusion?
Crazy-linking-man: 4. 5. Give or take
Owner: ... I see... Well i'm sorry but noticiasdeayer has a strong no-drugs policy, BUT i'll tell you, comeback in a week when you are naftalina-free and I'll give you a second chance.
Crazy-linking-man: OMG thank you so much I wont disapoint you
Owner: Sure you wont, have a nice day.
Crazy-linking-man: Thanks I will.
(Crazy-linking-man walks out)
Owner: ¬ ¬, this is going to be a loooooong casting.
owner: Next...
Crazy-linking-man: Hello
owner: ok, who are you?
Crazy-linking-man: I'm crazy-linking-man
owner: and what is your talent?
Crazy-linking-man: I have the ability to link all sort of facts... any facts... all facts
owner: mmm, I see... ok show me what you've got
Crazy-linking-man: Ok, did ya know that there's a direct link between Elvis Presley and the people that dwell on the left side of FIUBA?
owner: Los ocupas?
Crazy-linking-man: That's right
Owner: ...
Crazy-linking-man: ...
Owner: ...and of course this link is....
Crazy-linking-man: Everytime you pass in front of this people they go "Eh gato tené do' pesito' pa' la birra'? right? well fifty years ago it was Elvis Presley who sang for the first "Blue Suede Shoes" a song that starts:
Well it's one for the money, two for the show
Three to get ready now go cat go
get it? go CAT go... gato... cat... cat... gato... there's your link.
Owner: OK. ummm tell me, how many bolas of naftalina have you snorted to came with that conclusion?
Crazy-linking-man: 4. 5. Give or take
Owner: ... I see... Well i'm sorry but noticiasdeayer has a strong no-drugs policy, BUT i'll tell you, comeback in a week when you are naftalina-free and I'll give you a second chance.
Crazy-linking-man: OMG thank you so much I wont disapoint you
Owner: Sure you wont, have a nice day.
Crazy-linking-man: Thanks I will.
(Crazy-linking-man walks out)
Owner: ¬ ¬, this is going to be a loooooong casting.
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2007
The best is yet to come
Ok ok, aprobaste esto, lo otro, bla bla bla. Now you must focus.
Te anotaste en tres materias. A saber:
- Simulación
- Introducción a los sistemas inteligentes
- Administración de proyectos
Es hora del ritual de guardar lo que ya se aprobo con cara de mission acomplished. Hora de borrar el espejo. Que quede claro, yo lo hacia antes que el flaco de Good Will Hunting.
Te anotaste en tres materias. A saber:
- Simulación
- Introducción a los sistemas inteligentes
- Administración de proyectos
Es hora del ritual de guardar lo que ya se aprobo con cara de mission acomplished. Hora de borrar el espejo. Que quede claro, yo lo hacia antes que el flaco de Good Will Hunting.
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007
Las 3 divisiones de la mente humana (o I feel like saying "lala")
Segun la psicologia, la mente humana se divide en tres.
El "Yo", el "SuperYo" y el "Ello"
El ello representa nuestros impulsos, necesidades y deseos básicos sin importar las reglas de la sociedad. Ninguna de ellas
2 pm. New web application presentation.
Ello: Ok i feel like saying "Lala"
Superyo: What? are you out of your fucking mind? you cant say "lala" now, we are in the middle of a bussiness meeting!
Ello: Seriously dude. I MUST SAY "LALA". What's wrong about that, you up tight fucker?
Superyo: Screw you man! there are certain rules in society, you cant just go "lala" whenever you want, at least not now!
Yo: Hey fellas, would you mind keeping it quiet? what seems to be the problem?
Superyo: Listen to this, sick fuck Ello wants to go "lala" right now.
Yo: What???
Ello: Come on man! It's all about rock and roll dude! Haven't you read Curt Cobain's suicide letter?? "It's better to burn out than to fade away". Carpe fucking diem!
Superyo: Ok, grow up man, for real.
Ello: Oh great answer! ASS FACE!
Superyo: I'm so NOT listening to you right now.
Yo: Ok ok ok, quiet now. God Damn it!... How about this? I go "lala" but in a very soft voice so no-one can hear me. Do we have a deal?
Ello: Fine by me!
Superyo: Jesus christ. Go ahead, knock yourself out kid.
Yo: ............
Company head-honcho: Sorry, what was that?
Yo: umm nothing sir.
Company head-honcho: I believe you just said "lala", am i right?
Yo: Who? me? no, i was just umm... clearing my throat.
Interesting right folks? Ok, when we return find out why is not politically correct to dress as piñon fijo on a funeral.
El "Yo", el "SuperYo" y el "Ello"
El ello representa nuestros impulsos, necesidades y deseos básicos sin importar las reglas de la sociedad. Ninguna de ellas
El superyó es la parte que contrarresta al ello, representa los pensamientos morales y éticos. Busca soluciones moralistas más que realistas.
El yo surge a fin de cumplir de manera realista los deseos y demandas del ello de acuerdo con el mundo exterior. Es decir es el mediador entre los dos.
2 pm. New web application presentation.
Ello: Ok i feel like saying "Lala"
Superyo: What? are you out of your fucking mind? you cant say "lala" now, we are in the middle of a bussiness meeting!
Ello: Seriously dude. I MUST SAY "LALA". What's wrong about that, you up tight fucker?
Superyo: Screw you man! there are certain rules in society, you cant just go "lala" whenever you want, at least not now!
Yo: Hey fellas, would you mind keeping it quiet? what seems to be the problem?
Superyo: Listen to this, sick fuck Ello wants to go "lala" right now.
Yo: What???
Ello: Come on man! It's all about rock and roll dude! Haven't you read Curt Cobain's suicide letter?? "It's better to burn out than to fade away". Carpe fucking diem!
Superyo: Ok, grow up man, for real.
Ello: Oh great answer! ASS FACE!
Superyo: I'm so NOT listening to you right now.
Yo: Ok ok ok, quiet now. God Damn it!... How about this? I go "lala" but in a very soft voice so no-one can hear me. Do we have a deal?
Ello: Fine by me!
Superyo: Jesus christ. Go ahead, knock yourself out kid.
Yo: ............
Company head-honcho: Sorry, what was that?
Yo: umm nothing sir.
Company head-honcho: I believe you just said "lala", am i right?
Yo: Who? me? no, i was just umm... clearing my throat.
Interesting right folks? Ok, when we return find out why is not politically correct to dress as piñon fijo on a funeral.
domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007
It's all about rock & roll concerts
Algunas personas no entienden el porque de ir a fucking campo, estar 4 horas parado para ver tocar a unos monchos y luego salir todo mojado en sudor que en su mayoria no es tuyo.
I cant explain it myself, but goddamn it, it's good. Except that one time, en el Quilmes Rock de 2004 un chabon enorme de algo asi como 110 kilos estaba justo adelante mio y se saco la remera. There should be a law against people with natural pullovers taking their shirts off when they have other people within the radius of 1 meter, ok?
Did that prevent me from enjoying the show? No.
Did I need psychological help after? Yes. But hey shit happens.
Some people do it for the music, some for the experience, some because one day when his son goes "Papá sos un boludo, no entendes nada de la musica ni de la vida" they will ring his neck, then calm down and say "Hey, you know what, I was at the last show of the Rolling Stones. Me, your father". Then they will have a beer and curse tinelli for getting that treatment that allows him to stay on tv for another 40 years.
No matter what your reasons are, I'll drink to that.
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2007
High on Fosfovita
Falta de Memoria y concentracion???
I remember my first and only overdoze of fosfovita. Estaba cursando Analisis II y Algebra II en el mismo cuatrimestre. Me acuerdo estar rindiendo el final de Algebra y sentir despues de la primer hora de examen que las cosas estaban espesas. Una diarrea mental de proporciones biblicas donde podia sentir como mi cerebro se derretia al ritmo de "Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free bird" en particular el solo que dura 5 minutos. No habia caso, teletubies everywhere. No podia mirar al jefe de catedra por miedo a que diga "Oa!" y reirme en su very geta. Pedi ir al baño pero el titere de la rana rené me dijo "de ninguna manera".
Miro para atras y juro haber visto a Kramer diciendo "hey that's why I wear these dippers!"
I really felt i was losing my grip. Then it suddenly stopped. Kermit the frog, Teletubbies, Kramer y el bendito solo de "free bird". All gone.
I finished my exam. Aprobé. And from that day on, i told to myself "i'd better stay away from this goddamned brain boosters. "
I remember my first and only overdoze of fosfovita. Estaba cursando Analisis II y Algebra II en el mismo cuatrimestre. Me acuerdo estar rindiendo el final de Algebra y sentir despues de la primer hora de examen que las cosas estaban espesas. Una diarrea mental de proporciones biblicas donde podia sentir como mi cerebro se derretia al ritmo de "Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free bird" en particular el solo que dura 5 minutos. No habia caso, teletubies everywhere. No podia mirar al jefe de catedra por miedo a que diga "Oa!" y reirme en su very geta. Pedi ir al baño pero el titere de la rana rené me dijo "de ninguna manera".
Miro para atras y juro haber visto a Kramer diciendo "hey that's why I wear these dippers!"
I really felt i was losing my grip. Then it suddenly stopped. Kermit the frog, Teletubbies, Kramer y el bendito solo de "free bird". All gone.
I finished my exam. Aprobé. And from that day on, i told to myself "i'd better stay away from this goddamned brain boosters. "
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