Some testimony from ex-studentsAs you are standing in the front of fiuba, you look back, but not literally, you look back on life. On fiuba life. The first parcial, the first burocratic tramite that went down the toilet, that fucking feeling when
recursing for the first time or when the bloody inscription system gave you timeout. Was it all worth it? The 10 years? was it?
Primera hoja del libro "El dia que me di cuenta que tire mi vida a un pozo"
Alberto Taponardi - Nueva Libreria
Experience is a comb that life gives you, when you have no hair (La experiencia es un peine que te da la vida, cuando ya no tenes pelo o sea). If I could go back again I would do things
so different.
The Fuiba Handbook
J.J. Calzetta
-. No, esto es noticiasdeayer, sparta queda a la vuelta
One of the wierdest and most exiting time of my life
Cientificos han estado por años buscando analizar el efecto de terminar una carrera en FIUBA. So long, they have found several recurring emotions
Exam abstinence: Fiubers will need for their entire life to be tested, to work under preassure and to deal with tricky situations. Other than those situations, will not feel right and most ex-students will search the
hair of the egg in simple and clear situations.
Personal life DOA (dead on arrival): Experimentado por aquellos que han volcado en la facultad toda su frustración y la usaron para escapar de los problemas que tenian en su vida personal. Most of the ex-students that fall into this category will go back to some UBA studies. This is Also known as the "Tire mi vida a un pozo" symptom. They have always been bitching about how fiuba needed a lot of dedication and now that they have all the time in the world, they realize that they can't go to that dancing class they have always dreamed of for
other reasons.
Skepticism: "This cant be the end. It just cant. I feel like any other person, if not less". This emotion is experienced by those that believed that finishing your studies will make a groso out of themselves.
Passiveness: "Se, me recibi. Aja. Se. Si. Que hay hoy en cinecanal?". Contrary to Popular Belief, most students show little enthusiasm about finishing. Some believe that this is because they have worked their ass off for many years so ending was something to come.
Ahora si: Finishing is not the end, but the begining of a new life, it's the time to do everything they have longed for. Usually it's just sitting in front of the TV for long hours with a beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other, but rest assure he is enjoying that moment a hundred times more than any other person because HE KNOWS, that
that is something unique that regular people dont appreciate.
Regardless of this symptoms, an ex-student will never become and ex-fiuber. Once a fiuber, ALWAYS a fiuber. Why is that, will always remain a mistery...
To be continued (some day)