viernes, 19 de enero de 2007

Sabes lo que es esto?

-. Un reproductor MP3?
-. Only for the untrained eye... This is a fucker squelcher. You see the world is paved with all kinds of fuckers; young fuckers, old fuckers, fat fuckers - you name it - and you need protection from them. I mean, you could turn the corner and - BAM! - you bump into a fucker. So with this little device, you can isolate from them. You only interact with them if YOU want to.

Here, let me show you. Do you know what these two buttons are for?

-. To turn the volume up and down?
-. Kinda. The Antifucker Comitee (also known as A.F.C.) came with a scale of fuckerness. These are the levels

Defcon Fucker #5 - One or two "fuckers-to-be" on sight. Nothing special. (Very Rare)
Defcon Fucker #4 - Just Everyday fuckerness. Fuckers here and there, talking about how they love the smell of their own farts and talking a lot about nothing while they do the quotation marks with their fingers.
Defcon Fucker #3 - Warning. Hazzardous level of fuckerness in the air. Be advised.
Defcon Fucker #2 - You've bumped in with that old work colleague that convinced your boss to work on saturdays by saying "we will be more productive!"
Defcon Fucker #1 - Time to catch a flamethrower and make your way out immediately.

So you put your headset on, pump up the volume acording with the level of fuckerness and move on.

For instance, you arrive at the office at 9.17 and your boss goes "You are 17 minutes late" and you go "Yes but yesterday I stayed here till 23.47 and because you forgot to do your work!" finally he goes "I dont care, be on time". You see this will up the fuckerness level any day, regardless of your sense of humor.

So there you had it, have a nice day.

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