domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008

WFM-FIUBA Got sponsors (or repercusions of the institutional)

Stick around will be right back after this comercials...

Jo-key we are back. We have the results of our last poll, here they are:

The question was "Donde vas a estar cuando explote el rock?"

  • En el campo, con el codo de alguien punzando mi ingle y cubierto de sudor donde 90% del mismo no es mio - 30%
  • En la platea mientras me tomo un martini y veo como todos se matan en el campo - 10%
  • Con tu vieja/Ns/Nc - 60%

We are going to take some calls now, hello you are on the air on wfm-fiuba?

Axl rose: yeaaaaaaaaah you are going doowwwnn to your shanananana kneeees!

Wow axl, calm down, what's up?

Axl rose: who gave you permission to use my song and my image to your "fiuba institutional"??? you and fiuba are going to buuuuuuurnnnnn

Axl, listen to me. I know you are angry, but me using your image and song is not really the problem isn't?

Axl rose: well... I...

I know, you are mad because you cant finish chinese democracy and desde tu ultima cirugia tu cara parece un pie but you have to deal with it. Anyway thanks for calling. Ok next call, hellou?

Jack (de lost): Who died and made you king to use my image in your video?

Hey Jack what's up?

Jack: Dont you dare to "Hey Jack" me, mister! You know exactly what's up. You have used my image and havent payed me a dime for it. ABC lawyers are taking care of things you know? When we finish we will sell Paseos Colon's building to the highest bidder. You will hear from them soon.

Jack, I can sense a lot of repressed anger. Yo se que el hecho de haberle devuelto la posibilidad de caminar a tu mujer y que despues te deje por otro, es jodido. Y que luego estando en la isla, sawyer te escupa el asado es doblemente jodido, pero hey, you are in a safe place now, talk to me

Jack: I...

C'mon you can do it

Jack (breaks into tears): I'm sorry man, i'm sorry, it's just that, you know, pensar que yo le arregle las gambas y ahora las esta usando con otro... what kind of a cold-hearted bitch does that??? She should worship me!!!! buaaaaa....

I think we just had a breakthrough ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today, thanks for tuning in.

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